Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Lyrical is a dance type that combines elements of modern and ballet dance techniques. The music varies between instrumental and pieces with just vocals. The name lyrical comes from the word "Lyrics" because dancers use the lyrics of a song to help them think of emotion and moves for the dance. The goal of a lyrical dance is to use gesture and facial expression. Besides using emotion Lyrical dance typicially encourages the movement of weight and line. After you have gone to dance classes, in this case Lyrical class for 1 year theirs a year end recital. A recital is when all of the dance types, and classes all get together and give a huge preformance for anyone who wants to come watch. You get to wear all sorts of cool costumes. I recommend this to anyone who is interested in a faster type of ballet or slower type of jazz.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love lyric ! i really liked the way you described it , and i love the video . :)

  3. lyrical is my favourite. :)
    You describe it very well, and it gave me a good discription.

  4. That's a really good description of the dance Hayley. You are a beautiful dancer! :)

  5. Thanks Benny :)
    Thanks Tiantian <3
