Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a nice tropical adventurous place, zip-lining through the forests and see-dooing in the beautiful blue waters. They have many kinda people around, and lots of little huts for stores on the side of the road. They have many festivals, they have rides, stores to buy small souvenir's and bull fighting, which is very intense to watch! There are two parts of Costa Rica, the city part that is a lot like New York and the other is the desert part. In the City part of Costa Rica, there are many people and it is very crowded with lots of stores. In the other half of Costa Rica which is the desert, is mostly blue water, dark green trees. Costa Rica is filled with lots of resorts, the Occidental Grand Papagayo, Occidental Allegro, Paradisus Playa Conchal & lots more!


  1. I have always wanted too go there! thanks for the information Sierra ! :)

  2. Costa Rica is beautiful!
    Thanks for the information Sierra <3
