I believe we should spend more money on medicine for the cure of HIV/AIDS because it would save alot of peoples lives. This disease is sprended very easily especially if you have a parent with HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS first reportly started in Africa in the 1980's and spread to North America & Europe then finallyh spreaded worldwide. A young child could HIV/AIDS just because her/his mother or father has the disease.HIV/AIDS has killed many people in the past and can kill more people in the future if they d0n't eventually make a cure for this terrible disease. Some children are abandoned by there parents who have died from HIV/AIDS and now have to live with there grandparents which sometimes can slowly be dieing. Right now in Sub-Saharan Africa there are currently 22.4 million people with HIV which is around two thirds of the total population. In 2008, 1.4 million people died from AIDS and 1.9 million came infected with HIV. Since the beginning of this horrible disease, 14 million children have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS. Everyone in the world should do something towards the start of a campaign or fundraiser to finally try to make a cure for HIV/AIDS and hopefully a smart scientist will make a medicine or vaccine for it. The Black Death was a epidemic in the middle 14th century but I think HIV/AIDS now is way worse than the black death back than.HIV/AIDS should have a medicine made to cure it very soon.
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