Wednesday, December 16, 2009
What I Think Christmas is About.
I think Christmas is about the traditions of meeting family and relatives. Then there is the fun in Christmas, like for example, putting cookies and carrots out for Santa on Christmas Eve. Although when I was younger, I would put the treats out for Santa and his Reindeer and then come Christmas morning they would be gone. There is also traditions in Christmas like the Christmas Eve dinner, the traditional turkey, the egg nog and the Fruit cake. There is also the joy of getting presents, but it is not always about the presents, it is also about spending time with your remaining relatives because when you start to age you start getting more lonely because they can not do as many things as they used to. They can not go for long walks, play sports, so it is always a good to spend time with your grandparents. It is also good to be surprised with Christmas presents as-well though. Christmas is a very special
What Christmas Means To Me

At my house, Christmas is always a busy time. Relatives come from all around Canada, and sometimes even from the United Kingdom. Almost every year my grandma and grandpa Birkett come from the chilly little town of Love, Saskatchewan, to be with us. It's a tiny town, with only a hall, two little gift shops, a school house, a few other buildings, and less than one hundred residents! I very rarely get to see my aunt, uncle, and cousins, but this year they will be coming from Kamloops to stay with us for a month. My grandparents will not be able to come because my grandpa has to receive heart surgery today, so he will need the month to rest. My other grandma will come, though, so I will at least have one grandparent with me. I have many other relatives, and they alternate coming to stay at our house and my cousins place on the mainland, so my family is never without company. Christmas is a time of visiting and catching up with each other.
When December comes around, my mom goes Christmas crazy with decorations, lights, a huge tree, a bunch of perfectly wrapped gifts, baking, and warm, home-cooked meals. My dad puts up the lights, my brother and I decorate the tree and wrap our presents, while my mom takes care of the rest. Christmas is a time of preperations with my family.
On Christmas Eve, my brother and I open one present each, whichever one we want. We always have KFC for dinner on this night, as a tradition. Then we watch old movies and eat baked treats by the fire. After my large family has finished catching up, we all go to sleep. Christmas is a time of traditions.
On Christmas morning, everyone waits to see who is the last one to wake up, then we all yell, "Merry Christmas!" really loudly by their bed. After everyone is up, we all file into the living room, take a seat on the couch, and take a picture. Then comes presents. We spend most of the morning ripping, tearing, opening gifts. When all of the commotion is over, we thank each other and get ready for supper, which we all look forward to. Christmas is a time to be thankful.
Finally, after dinner, everyone visits and chats, the kids play with gifts, and the dogs sleep. Every one is in high spirits. Christmas is ultimately a time for family- everyone together on a great day.
What Christmas Means to Me.
My Christmas
is an important
time of year to a
lot of people. Many
people enjoy the gifts
they receive but they don't
consider the fact that it is not
what you receive, but what you
give. An extremely important part of
Christmas to me is the snow. Snow is so
important that if there wasn't any snow
I wouldn't be as happy. Guitar is a big
part of my life so I learn Christmas songs.
Songs like Jingle bells, Silent Night, and many
others. Food is an important factor. I have a
Christmas eve party and a Christmas
morning breakfast and a Christmas night party
. Meeting with family and friends is the most
important thing of all.
I know a lot of families
celebrate Christmas
differently but this
is how I celebrate mine.
is an important
time of year to a
lot of people. Many
people enjoy the gifts
they receive but they don't
consider the fact that it is not
what you receive, but what you
give. An extremely important part of
Christmas to me is the snow. Snow is so
important that if there wasn't any snow
I wouldn't be as happy. Guitar is a big
part of my life so I learn Christmas songs.
Songs like Jingle bells, Silent Night, and many
others. Food is an important factor. I have a
Christmas eve party and a Christmas
morning breakfast and a Christmas night party
. Meeting with family and friends is the most
important thing of all.
I know a lot of families
celebrate Christmas
differently but this
is how I celebrate mine.
What I Think Chirstmas Is About
Number One: Spending lots of time with your family.
Number Two: Decorating the Christmas tree and your house.
Number Three: Giving and receiving presents.
I also think that Christmas is a money based holiday. The big business owners always raise the prices of what they sell around December and January. Merry Christmas to you too, you greedy little pigs. My favorite thing about Christmas is the snow.... or it was the snow. Back in Calgary, we got ten inches of snow in the winter. In Victoria we only get around.... maybe one or two inches? I don't know exactly but you get the picture. In Calgary we made huge snow forts and i mean huge. We also had snowball wars. there was enough snow to last us a good hour of throwing snowballs into the other persons base. My favorite thing to do in the snow though was sledding. We had a huge hill behind one of my friend's house. I know your probably thinking, "What? Hills in Calgary?" There are hills and there huge. Anyway we got about twenty-thirty kids and all lined up at the top of the hill. We each then ran five steps and jumped onto are sleds. The hill took about one minute sled down and about seven to walk back up. It was insanely fun. That's what i think about Christmas. Lets hope we get some snow that will actually last this year.
What christmas meas to me:))
I think christmas means to me is that everybody brings a gift for family and friend. Christmas is not only about recieving, it's about giving to. I love christmas because I get to have all my family members all over to my house for turkey dinner. They all give me a present and I give them one. It doesn't matter what you get or how much it costs, it just matters if it comes from the heart. I like christmas because i always get everything i want from santa clause. Santa is my idol because kids all around the world love him including John.
What Christmas is all about
I think Christmas is about seeing family and relatives and just enjoy it. I really think Christmas is about presents and gifts. what i really think is the meaning of Christmas is to have a great big Christmas Eve dinner with the family coming over and saying grace( I barley say grace but sometimes I do). sometimes me and my older cousins make some snowmen and we get are dirt bikes and drive through them (it's fun) . Every Christmas we make big banners made out of strings of paper. during Christmas I LOVE drinking eggnog and cake. I like Christmas. and probably so do you
What Christmas Means to Me
To me Christmas is about presents, family, friends and food. For food it is usually turkey at Christmas dinner. As well as baked goods such as chocolate short bread and brownies. For family they almost never visit us except for my cousin Richard and my aunt Sue. The rest of them just send cards. Only our close friends visit us at Christmas time like our neighbours. Presents... Who doesn't like receiving or giving presents. So that's what Christmas means to me and what happens at Christmas time.
What Christmas means to me
What Christmas Means to Me

Every Christmas different things mean different ways of looking at stuff from different points of view. Christmas over the years meant a lot of different things to me, but this year things are different. This year Christmas means about giving, visiting family, wishing everybody a merry "ho,ho", the joy of opening presents, filling up on dark, milk and white chocolate (until I throw up), and sitting on Barney's lap in Santa's workshop, every time I get. That is what Christmas really means to me.
Tis the Season to be Jolly

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. I normally celebrate it at home, but the day after I go to Vancouver where I see the rest of my family. Christmas has a great feeling to it, but that could always be the smell of the hot chocolate. I think some of the most important things about it are seeing everybody in my family because I never see them often. I went to Vancouver once last year, and that doesn't seem like enough. I also think that decorating the tree is really important. We always get the real ones that have like zero branches, and we put so many decorations on it that the branches look like they're about to snap. I really don't know why we do this, but it's been like that forever. The food at Christmas is always interesting. Since one side of my family is from the Czech Republic I always have to eat cod... which is disgusting if you ask me. I don't mind having a turkey dinner. That's really good, but the other food is a bit different. The last thing that's important to me is walking into the house and smelling gingerbread cookies and the tree. That's one of my favorite parts of Christmas, and I'm hoping it will never leave.
what x-mas means to me

What Christmas Means To Me....

Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year! In the winter seasons everyone is in the Christmas Spirit, & are cheerful and happy:) Christmas to me is about giving instead of receiving even thought it fun to open presents, this Christmas me & my brother bought a gift each for children in for the Santa anonymous. I bought a teenage girl a make up kit while my brother bought a young boy a Nintendo DS game. I love the feeling of Christmas Eve because the next morning my brother & I wake up extra early! We first open our stockings & look at our main gifts while my parents and grandparents are making Christmas breakfast. We are only aloud to open one present before breakfast the rest has to be open all together in front of the family. I spend Christmas with my Mom & Dad & my Brother & my Grandparents, I don't spend Christmas with my Uncle & Aunt & Cousins because they live in the Dubai:( At night time, we have a big Turkey dinner... after dinner & desert, everyone gets one last small present before Christmas day is over. Merry Christmas:)
What Christmas means to me

Christmas is my favourite time of the year. Everyone is cheerful and filled with Christmas spirit. For me, Christmas is a time for re-uniting with your family, baking sugar cookies, and trying to go to bed as soon as possible on Christmas eve. Every Christmas I wake up early in the morning, open my stocking, and bang on the door for my parents to wake up so we can start opening presents, after the presents are open I leave to go have Christmas #2 with my dads side of the family at his house. I love having two Christmases because you get to have double the fun and see double the family. Even though getting gifts is great, that's not what Christmas is fully about. Christmas is for meeting with your family, having fun, and pushing all your bad feelings aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

I love Christmas, I mean, who doesn't? Free gifts, good food and don't forget no school for two weeks!! Every Christmas I go to my grandmother's house in Vancouver. Everyone comes and we celebrate the festive holiday. LETS NOT FORGET THE TREE! Even though we leave to Vancouver, my family still gets a tree for our house. We decorate it and my dog eats the pine needles... And what about snow!? Snow is a ton of fun to play in and it gives you a good reason to throw snowballs at people. Presents! We get and we give presents! We have to do a hell a lot of shopping and then we wrap them up and put presents under the tree. On Christmas morning you run down and you see the pile of presents you got (half of them are most likely to be clothes) Another great part about Christmas is making cookies and other good food for everyone. Anyways, what Christmas means to me is being with family and friends and giving presents to people you love!
What Christmas means to me (:

In my opinion Christmas is a time of year when people celebrate all the gifts in their life. Not gifts as in presents but gifts as family, and friends. When Christmas comes around i get to see a lot of family. Usually at my house on Christmas eve, my whole family comes to my house and we throw a party. Then on Christmas day, for dinner sometimes we have family over but usually we go to my grandparents house for a nice turkey dinner. Every year Sydney, Madison, Paige, Mia and i all do a gift exchange then go to a movie. We buy each other presents under 20$, go out for dinner then exchange gifts. After the party on Christmas eve, we all get to open one present and its usually pajamas that we wear to bed that night. Then the next morning we all get up at the crack of dawn and open our stalkings then the rest of our presents. This year on boxing day were driving up to Mount Washington. My sisters and i are all taking snow boarding lessons, while my mom and dad take my brother tubing. This year i'm extra excited because i just moved into a new house in August. Christmas is my favourite time of year, and i love enjoying it with family and friends. (:
This is what Christmas means to me. :)

Christmas is a time of year that is a unique time to get all the family together to show love for each other. Around Christmas, tons of my family come from different places to celebrate with us and we always have a very good time. I live with my mom and dad at seperate houses, so i get to have two christmas's. I spend half the christmas day with each of them and there side of the family. We always wake up quite early on christmas morning, and have breakfast while opening our stockings. After breakfast we go sit around the christmas tree and open the rest of our presents. That night we always have a lot of family over for tasty christmas dinner and exchange gifts to and from each family member. On boxing day we have always gone up to Nanaimo to see my grandparents who live there, and meet my dad's side of the family there. We have different snacks and drinks through out the day and open presents together. That night we all have another christmas dinner and stay over at their house. I love christmas, it is my favourite time of the year. I think this is because i love to spend time with family, and everyone is always so happy. It is always a great day, and i look forward to it every year.
Is important to me because I get to spend time with my family. Have a huge dinner with my family and putting up Christmas lights with my dad. I love to play in the snow and go to mount Washington and go skiing and tubing. I enjoy putting up the Christmas tree and drinking egg nog in front of the fire. I love Christmas morning opening presents and seeing peoples faces when they open their presents. I believe that spending time with family is more important than receiving gifts but getting presents is still important.
Christmas is the best time of year! Everyone is in a joyfully mood. All the kids are playing in the snow. Also, there's carolers singing in the street !! What Christmas means to me is family and the snow. The Best part of Christmas is the tree. This year I got an uncultured tree. that means it was grown naturally on farm in Saanich. ( it has pine cones on it teehee)And you know whats under the tree.... PRESENTS! I think Christmas is about giving and not receiving. I also like drinking hot chocolate!!!!!!!!! Snow is really fun to play in with Maddie. It is also great to throw a snowball at brothers face! Another one of my favorite Christmas drinks are EGGNOG!!!!!
Christmas to me means spending time with your family, and spreading the Christmas spirit all year around. I believe Christmas is mostly about creating memories with with your family, and eating delicious food. When my family and I wake up at about 9:00 on Christmas morning, start opening presents and eat a awesome breakfast. I enjoy it when my family comes from Alberta, and celebrates the wonderful holiday. We usually just sit at home and visit with my loving family, and eat lots of food. To some people Christmas is just about opening presents and eating food, but our family mostly loves the wonderful family we have around us. I love to be old fashioned and just spread the Christmas spirit all year around. Usually when my family comes we throw a big party, and celebrate Christmas with my family and friends. To me, Christmas means having the right spirit, and being jolly all year around. :)
What christmas means to me.
Well I'm not religious, so christmas doesn' t really hit me as a religious thing, but pretty much all my family does is exchange gifts. My auntie and uncle normally come over to my house and join us and so does my dad. So it's normally me, my sister, my brother, my other sister, my other brother, my mom, my dad, and my step dad, and auntie and uncle. We all go to my moms house, eat breakfast/lunch and open presents and stockings. Winter is a very cold time, and normally at my house i get a lot of snow, but there is no snow in Victoria yet, i wish there was. Christmas is a very warm time at my house, with our fire going and all the presents, and my tree is always the best! My tree this year is like, 11 feet tall and like... 6 feet wide. It's insane. But that's about it, merry Christmas guys!
What Christmas Means To Me.
Christmas is a beautiful, loving holiday that is full of joy and giving. In my family, we buy each other gifts and have a turkey dinner where all our family attends, it's really nice because Christmas is when all our family comes together at once! We also decorate our house and blast Christmas carols in our house to really get us in the Christmas spirit. I belt out the good songs, even though I'm a terrible singer. On Christmas Eve my cousins, aunts,uncles and I, go to my grandma and grandpa's house and open gifts. It's nice to have a gift on Christmas Eve because it helps calm down the excitement for Christmas morning. Christmas is by far my favorite holiday. My favorite part is that everyone is in a happy mood! I also LOVE watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate by the fire place, that is, after coming in and playing in all the snow! I love having snowball fights with my brother, I win every time. Usually we have a family snow ball war, it gets pretty exciting, I tend to think that i am champion! To me, Christmas is about family, giving, and turkey dinner. :)
What Christmas means to me!!

It's Christmas time!!
Christmas to means a time of warmth. A day when the family sits at the dinner table and where my brothers and my sisters and I stay awake all night and wake up at like 6 am in the morning! And decorating the Christmas tree and play in the snow and listen to Christmas music and get to see my younger siblings get all happy about Santa ! And usually family members who live far ways away come to visit. And than my friends would come over and say what they got and plus the yummy Christmas food comes out like egg nog which my brother always drinks all of it before we even get to see it!! And we always sneak the candy off the ginger bread house when our older brothers aren't looking...! When they notices we just run for our lives..! And always turns in too a big snowball fight! Plus it's always fun to shop for people and see the smiles on their faces when they get it! And i love to ride through the city and see all the lights on the houses it's just way better than driving around and seeing just plan old houses with no curator to them cause the streets are all lid up and in the malls the kids get really happy because they get to have their picture on Santa's lap!! That's what Christmas means's
to me , Sam B
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