Music. A huge thing in my life is music, I love everything about it. The way it sounds, the variety and the way it makes you feel. Some songs just make you feel stronger, and better. They inspire me to do things I usually wouldn't. The beats are so catchy that it just makes you want to move. I also love how the different types of music, make you feel different. The rhythm sometimes makes you feel slow, and some, more alive. I usually like listening to up beat songs, with meaningful lyrics. The make me feel stronger, and more alive, they give me the the "umf" to get up and do things. Music motivates me mentally, physically and emotionally. That's what I love about it. It makes things easier, and makes time fly by when I'm doing something I don't enjoy, such as chores or homework. Music truly empowers me more then anything, music is great. :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
My Down Time...
There are many things I do when I'm not texting, e-mailing, calling, chatting, or Face-booking, I just don't do them that often. I'm so use to my cell, computer, t.v, laptop, and radio I probably haven't had down time in weeks. During my downtime I love to sleep. It's fun and relaxing. If i could sleep all day and not get hungry I defiantly would. When I'm not sleeping, I like to walk my dog, Play soft-ball, hang out with friends, and travel to Comox and Courtenay to visit my family. All of these things may seem like a lot, but in reality they are very little compared to how often i text, e-mail, chat, and talk on the phone.
What Empowers Me.

Something that empowers me is my laptop. It makes me feel independent because I can do whatever I need to, whenever I want. I can put necessary information on it, with out worrying about anyone seeing it. I always have it to myself and no one else in my family is going to use it. I can do my school work, such as look up anything or type something out on Word or PowerPoint. I can also go on Facebook or any other sites that I can interact with my friends. If my cell phone is ever dead, I go on my laptop so i can talk to my friends or family that way. If I never have anything too do at home, I always go on my laptop, because it is something that relaxes me, and gives me downtime. Since I have my laptop, I can put my pictures off my camera, so I can transfer them onto Facebook. I really like doing this from it, because it goes on quickly. My laptop is always very useful when I go away on road trips or on a plane. It entertains me, because I can also watch movies, or listen to my music from it. I can also go on the Internet, if I have a wireless connection. If I am ever on a trip, I can look things up, like directions or local attractions. I love my laptop, and it is very useful to me in many ways.
Down Time
On my down time, I like to hang out with my friends (which i have very few of) but mostly my family. I enjoy playing rollerhockey. I also enjoy playing squash with my mom and my brother every Monday at Comptons gym. I really like to bike and just go off on my own and ride my bike were nobody can see me. I enjoy doing tricks and just going really fast.I also like to watch television at night because thats when all the good shows are on. I like to listen to music while I am just sitting there doing nothing or doing my homework which we get very much of so I listen to music alot. I really like to wrestle with my brother or play with my dogs puppys when I am bored and have nothing to do. I actually mostly text and go on the computer and keep up with my friends and get there info so I dont behind in all the gossip and drama going on within my age group.
What I do in my Downtime

When I'm not doing anything, you will probably find me playing guitar. You already know that I play guitar because of my previous posts, but because I have to write about what I do in my downtime I will write about guitar. Guitar is a big part of my life. I play half an hour to an hour a day, and then an extra hour on Wednesdays for lessons. In total I play, maximum, eight hours a week. I can play all the major and minor chords. I can read tablature, and if I know the song really well I can sometimes write it. Tablature is like notation but instead of notes it's a series of numbers on a staff. Well, that is what I do in my spare time.
Empowering Technology

There's a lot of different types of technology that make me feel confident in myself, but most of all it is my cell phone. It's a Samsung Instinct. I feel safer when I have it with me. If I'm ever in trouble, I'm confident that if I have my phone, I will be able to phone somebody and be okay. Also, on my phone I'm able to go on Facebook and Youtube. It's a great phone to have, and I'm able to do so much with it, so I feel 'empowering'. I would normally say my laptop makes me feel more confident, except for I can't take it anywhere and it's also busted. I love this phone, even if it doesn't slide in and out. It's just great.

My downtime WOOT

Most of the time I have my cell phone with me. This past Christmas I got a new laptop. So when they are dead I usually do something to occupy my time. The things are Playing Sports, being with friends, sleeping or doing homework.
The two sports I play are soccer and Softball. I have softball 6 times a week. Soccer I have 3 times a week with Nicole and Maddie. I love going out with friends. I don't know what I would do with out my lap top and my cell phone they are actually a big part of my life. I love them so much. Sometimes i think it is better if i had a rest from all the technology. I will think I am on my laptop for a hour then look at the time and its 10:00!i!
So that's what I do in my downtime.
My Downtime
I live on a big hill where there are not many cars going by, other than the ones who live on my street, so I usually have the street to myself. In my downtime when I am not on the computer or gaming I am biking around my street or playing basket-ball or hockey. I also do my homework, occasionally, but in the end I do eventually finish it. I also have a pool table in my house so sometimes I play pool with my dad, my mom is not very good at it. My dad and I are also into playing darts so we bought a dart board at a store I can not remember the name of. My family has recently bought a work out machine so almost every morning I go on the bike for about 20 minutes to burn of the ice cream I had last night, I don't want to fat and then get called to go on to the Biggest Loser show. That is my downtime at my house.
What I Do In My Downtime
In my downtime, instead of playing on the computer, games stuff like that, what I usually do is either trace or colour drawings, plop down on the couch and either have a snooze or cross my legs ( lady like) and turn on my new television and watch the "Magic School Bus"!, sometimes my mom yells at me to do chores, because it takes me a little while to get off of the couch. When I was young I used to play heroes and villains with my sister, she was the hero and I was always the villain like "The Penguin" , one of Batman's arch-enemies.
What I Do in my Spare time/DownTime
In my Down Time when I'm off the computer or the Xbox I am normally on my dirt bike on the track in Sooke or in my friend Christians back yard. He's got a farm so we can dirt bike through the barn and go over jumps that is made out of a big mound of dirt that was pulled out of the ground to make his new barn. Another thing I do in my spare time is hang out with my best friends, there really cool. Another thing I do is play hockey with my friends out on the street ( I hit a car once) we play in the middle of the road so it sucks when a car comes we have to move every time for the car to go by then we just keep playing. Another thing I do in my spare time is practice my soccer in the back yard. I've kicked the ball over the fence a few times. Another thing I do in my spare time is one of the worst things, I do HOME WORK, I hate it. This is the stuff I do in my spare time.
Field Lacrosse
The attack players in field lacrosse are very important because they are the ones that score the most points for their team. The attack and mid-fields run set plays to score goals. But it is very hard to get by the defense, because they have six foot long sticks instead of the normal four foot sticks that all the offense and mid-fielders. Also, the attacks can't pass the center line when the other team has the ball in the the other end of the field. Another thing is that the attackers and the defense can't pass the twenty yard line on the draw. The draw is where two of the mid-fielders from the opposite teams get the lacrosse ball put into the middle of their lacrosse sticks. Then the referee blows the whistle and the two players try and push the ball to one of their own players. When someone gets a goal it starts all over again.
E m p o w e r i n g T e c h n o l o g y ! ! ! ! ! !
There is two different empowering technologies I use everyday. The computer and cellphone are my top priorities after swimming and shopping. It allows me to connect me with my friends where every when ever. The computer allows me to search for news updates, connect with friends, shop online etc., but the most empowering thing of all for me is my cellphone. I can use Internet and do
all sorts of things i can do on my laptop but it's like a mini
Internet to go. You can call and text your friends, family when ever, and you can take photo's and videos to share on the Internet or your friends. It especially makes me feel safe when i have it with me because with a touch of a button, i can call someone for help.

What I Do At Down Time
When I'm off the computer there is much to do like going on a hike, run or almost every outside activity that doesn't involve boats. Benefits of living in a rural environment. There is also much to do in the house, like watching a good old television program. Doing my homework, playing the trumpet or didgeridoo. Of course most of the time these are solitary activity. Most social activity's are made up or thought of on the spot. That is what i do in my down time, that and countless others things that i can't bother to bore you with.
What Empowers Me

What empowers me you ask? My cell phone! It makes me feel more independent then I ever have. For example, when I'm walking to dance practice or some other activity I feel really secure. If I see a stranger, who looks a little off-beat(creepy), I can just take out my phone, just to let him know that I have one and that I can call someone whenever needed. If I'm having troubles with my homework I can just text one of my friends and ask them what I need to do. I can also call people just to talk. Sometimes when my phone is dead, I like to have some downtime. During that time I like to read, sleep, and do my homework. Over all my cell phone is a lot of my life, I don't know what i would do without it. :)
What I like to do on my downtime.

When I'm not using my cellphone or on facebook, which I get sent to my phone..I just hangout with friends, but when I'm hanging out with my friends I normally have my phone with me, so I guess you could say technology controls me. I like to go on my facebook every day, and if I don't it's not a big deal, but I still like to go on a lot. I pretty much always have my phone on me, and normally always my ipod. I get facebook texts so I'm pretty much always on the internet, I used to go on MSN a lot, but now I don't go on at all. But on my down time, I like to hangout with my friends, go to their houses, go out, and I'm normally always with people, when I'm not it's really boring. Sometimes I read, barely though. I also do dance once a week, and Softball clinics just started up for the next 3 months, or until March or the end of March. I have a pitching clinic every friday, and a batting, throwing, and just everything in softball clinic every saturday. Well that's about it, bye (:
What I do during my downtime!

There a lots of things that I do when I am not messaging, texting, gaming, watching t.v, etc. When I am offline, I socialize with my family and friends, for example: I hang out with friends after school & we go to the mall or chat! I am usually helping my parents out around the house by doing chores. I sometimes go to the mall with friends to shop for some new stuff if I have the time, but I mostly go to my sport activities like Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball. I also go to my brothers sport activities like hockey games, and sport activities he does for school. I usually have homework to do, so I do that while I am not online, and it can take up a lot of time depending on how much I have. But a majority of my time i am texting, messaging and talking on the phone to friends. :)
technilogy that empowers me
For my eleventh birthday I received a PS3. Also, for Christmas I got my xbox 360. They connect to the Internet just like my gamer PC. At my moms and sometimes my grandmas, I take Xbox or my PS3 to play with.
I still play my older game, the PS2 and enjoy the games "Once in Blue Moon" and "I was a Major". I have 67 PS2 games.
I was think of trading them in at EB Games, but my mom thinks the trade in value to be rather low. You need to trade in 20 games for the PS2 to will a get $100 store credit.
My gamer PC is not just for playing games. You can go on the Internet to look for information. I go on-line to look for dogs or how to make a home made toys.
I still play my older game, the PS2 and enjoy the games "Once in Blue Moon" and "I was a Major". I have 67 PS2 games.
I was think of trading them in at EB Games, but my mom thinks the trade in value to be rather low. You need to trade in 20 games for the PS2 to will a get $100 store credit.
My gamer PC is not just for playing games. You can go on the Internet to look for information. I go on-line to look for dogs or how to make a home made toys.
What I do when I'm not on Facebook or using technology, I usually play on my drums because I like to and they are fun to play with. Sometimes, I take out my soccer ball and play around with it outside. Also, I go to a drumming class once a week, but practice and hour or and an hour and a half every single day. Three times a week, I go soccer practice with my team. I play for Gordon Head because I used to live there until I moved here in Gr. 5. Usually, I always hangout with my friends if I'm not doing ANYTHING at all. Every day, I'm always on Facebook, Youtube, drumming, playing soccer, or gaming on my PS3. I have a lot games for my PS3 and usually play all of them. Some of the games I have are Metal Gear Solid 4, Call of Duty 4, 5, and 6, Little Big Planet, Rock Band 1 and 2, Guitar Hero: Metallica, Grand Theft Auto 4, Pro Evolution Soccer 08, FIFA 10, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Carbon, Undercover, and Shift. So, I'm pretty much done with this blog, so good-bye.
(-.-) <-- What is that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
What Do I Do During My Down Time
Things that I do during my down time...
There is not much I do when I am not surfing the internet, talking on the phone or watching television. But when I do limit my day with no entertainments, I just stay in my room and would keep my music on for the whole day. Unless MP3 is also known as a downtime equipment. I would not be able to live without music. At times I find something interesting to entertain myself. There is always Homework to do too, but I usually get tired of doing them and start doing something else. I go out when my dad and sister says they are going some where or what any girls do, go somewhere like the mall with friends. I love to eat, often I would go down stairs into the kitchen and finding something to munch on or drink. If there was nothing else to do, I would just sleep and wake up till it is Midnight. But I do not think I would live without a way to Communicate with my friends, without Computers and Telephones. I would think my day would be boring without the Internet and television. I think most of us also agrees.
There is not much I do when I am not surfing the internet, talking on the phone or watching television. But when I do limit my day with no entertainments, I just stay in my room and would keep my music on for the whole day. Unless MP3 is also known as a downtime equipment. I would not be able to live without music. At times I find something interesting to entertain myself. There is always Homework to do too, but I usually get tired of doing them and start doing something else. I go out when my dad and sister says they are going some where or what any girls do, go somewhere like the mall with friends. I love to eat, often I would go down stairs into the kitchen and finding something to munch on or drink. If there was nothing else to do, I would just sleep and wake up till it is Midnight. But I do not think I would live without a way to Communicate with my friends, without Computers and Telephones. I would think my day would be boring without the Internet and television. I think most of us also agrees.
what i do when i'm not using techology

When I lost my mp3 I didn't have techology, plus I didnt have a phone than.. So now I find other things to do. Same times I would go downtown and hangout with my friends at the Bay Centre near the goverment buildings, like just yesterday Alison and I went for a walk/jog down there..! At first i couldn't go anywhere or do anything with out techology but than I had no choice. Now I quit injoy being with out it .. I still do miss it same times though!
Spare Time
When I am not on the computer or talking to friends I like to spend time on the beach because it is relaxing to watch the waves crash in on the shore. It is convenient for me to go down to the beach and just think. Sometimes it is just nice to have time to myself.
I also enjoy going out on my boat to different places.
when I am not talking to my friends on Facebook I enjoy hanging out with friends at places to pass the time. Sometimes it is just nice for me to relax and just do nothing.
Technology that empowers me
Facebook makes me feel empowered. It helps me communicate with people that I have difficulty talking to in person. In a way, it makes me feel invincible because its almost impossible to embarrass yourself. If you do say something you regret you can just type "jk" and the problem is solved. You can solve many problems by using "jk". I don't really know why I feel proud to be a Facebook user. Maybe its because I can talk with my friends when ever I want. Maybe its because my brother can't use it. I don't know, But I do know my confidence is boosted whenever I go on Facebook. Its kind of pathetic in a way but whatever.

When I 'am not using technology I'm ether taking my bike and ride it for about an hour then i go home and put my bike away go in side and lie down on my bed. Another thing that i do on my down time is that i play a board game,hang man,tag, he like to play with Nerf but i don't really like to play that but if i don't he has a fit and i get in trouble. When i get my alone time i clean my room and if i feel tired i might go to sleep and that's all i can think of what i do on my downtime.
My Down Time...
There are a lot of things that I do when I am not texting, messaging, etc. I love to read books, particularly of the thriller genre. I enjoy doing different things with my family and spending time with them. I really enjoy going to the mall, and spending money with my friends. In my spare time I usually hang out with my brother and talk about different things with him because we are very close. I also enjoy playing with my dogs because they are very hyper and energetic. I also love art because it really inspires me and makes me want to draw something of my own. In my spare time I like to eat lots of food, sometimes its healthy and sometimes I just want junk food. This may seem like a lot of things, but in reality this is very little compared to when I text, email, call my friends, and when I go on face book.
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