Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wishes for 2010
This year there are only three wishes that I can think of wishing at the moment. The first is learning Toccata and Fugue by Bach on the piano. As I have already made good progress for some one who has no sheet music and cannot read notes, I think it's the most "do-able" wish of the three. My next wish is to go to Algeria in April. My dad's planning for me and my sister to go and see 90% of my relatives, which happen to be on my dad's side. I promised my aunts that I'd speak more French on the next visit, but I don't see that happening at all. Of course there's more complicated languages to speak there, like Arabic and Berber but the throat sounds are just too tricky to learn at the moment. The third wish is to try snowboarding sometime this year, whether the grade eight ski trip happens or not.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Three Things I Most Look Forward To
The first thing I am looking forward to this year is to come first in the regular season for my hockey team. My team has not lost a game this year so i think we should do pretty well . All of the other teams have played double the games and we have the same amount of points so we are way ahead of everyone so we have a good lead. The other thing I am looking forward to doing is going camping with my family and friends with the travel trailer we got last year. the other thing i am looking forward to this year is being able to go paintball with my friends and family. I have never gone paintballing because i never have time and i cant find someone to go with.
My Three Wishes
My three wishes for the new year are to get to the championship in box and field lacrosse. Another one of my wishes is to pay more attention in school and hopefully get better grades. I wish to go to mount Washington more and get better at snowboarding tricks and get better at the terrain-park.
What I was proud of in 2009
What I did in 2009 that I am most proud of was in karate. I earned my blue belt which took me a long time to earn. My goal is to get a black belt which may be difficult to do because I am two belts away from black. What I am second most proud of is I learned how to cook. My mom showed me all the things she knows about cooking. First she showed me how to use the oven to make a frozen pizza. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was. I also leaned how to use the stove to make soup and chili. In my opinion the stove was harder to use than the oven. One other thing I was proud of was going to school full time. I was proud of that because I was home schooled for two years and I was so used to that. So going to school again was a big change for me but I maneged to do it.

ice hockey,
If I Could Change One Thing

If I could change one thing from last year it would be handing in my homework on time. As a result, I would be getting better grades and I would not be behind in my school work. I also think if I did the work instead of sitting around I would be going somewhere with my life and I would not feel as bad of myself. One more thing I would really like to get is a couple A's, like in math, social studies, language arts.
Favorite Book. Woot Woot :)

My favorite book that I had read last year was probably Breaking Dawn. I know people can be a little over obsessed with it, but I loved it and it's pretty well written. Anyways, over all, it probably was the best book I have read last year because the others were just random books I picked up because I was bored. I sound like a book nerd right now but whatever.... I'll post a picture of
Nicole's crush now, HE LOVES BOOKS. And spiderman.
Back on topic, I think Edward is extremely good looking but I have to say I like Jacobs personality better. I have read most of the Twilight books except Eclipse, it was really boring because it had the same concept as the book before. I'm done now.
What I look forward to in the new year!
In the new year, I'm looking forward to a few things, not just in the school year though in all of 2010. I'm looking forward to go to high school, finally get out of middle school and have less rules. I'm probably going to Vic High which is in Fernwood. The closest schools to me are probably Claremont and Stellys, but I don't want to go to either of those schools. Another thing I'm looking forward to is softball season which starts in April, but I'm starting softball Clinics from January- April, or mid March. I'm also looking forward to summer, even though winter break just ended. I really hate the cold, and I like being able to sleep in late and hangout with friends whenever I want to. Well thats enough for now, happy new years! (:
2010 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Two more years until the world goes... KABOOM ! ! ! :D
I have to live my life to the fullest!
I really look forward to my going to the Edmonton Championships again for swimming.
I also look forward to this year because my dad, grandma and grandpa are coming over to Victoria. My grandma and grandpa have been approved for immigration to Canada and I am also very exited for that.
My dad has been working in china for a year now and it is kinda sad that i don't get to see him that often.
Oh yeah!! happy late New Years!!!!! : )
I have to live my life to the fullest!
I really look forward to my going to the Edmonton Championships again for swimming.
I also look forward to this year because my dad, grandma and grandpa are coming over to Victoria. My grandma and grandpa have been approved for immigration to Canada and I am also very exited for that.
My dad has been working in china for a year now and it is kinda sad that i don't get to see him that often.
Oh yeah!! happy late New Years!!!!! : )

New Year Reflection

I have made three goals for the newyear. One of them including to stay more focused on my dancing. I take it twice a week so its not much to ask, im just lazy. I know that if i work my butt off and practice as much as i can, i will be the best dancer i can be! Another goal i have is to get straight a's for the next 2 terms, its also my last year at Royal Oak, and i wanna remember it. If i get straight a's, or close to it i will be happy. My final goal is for my softball. I want to be able to pitch the best i can, and in order to do that i need to practice as much as i can. The problem is softball doesnt start untill March, so im going to have to practice on my own time if i want to get better. I hope i can make all my wishes come true! (:
New Year Wishes
The three wishes I have for 2010. My first wish is that all the schools only stay open for three or four hours a day and open for three days a week but that will never happen. My second wish is I would want to get another dirt bike just for the heck of it, so if one of my friends come over and want to ride with me. My third wish involves all my friends to go paint balling at TNT. I would like to go around the world with all of my friend, but that would never happen. I would also like to have a giant party with all my friends.I hope that these wishes would come true. I hope that all my weird friends would like to do that.
New Year Reflection

Three goals I have set for me to accomplish this new year is/are: to complete as many tasks as I can, save up my money for something that I might want to buy, and to make a plan to secretly join a junior spy academy! The meaning of these three goals to me is that they tell me and remind me to accomplish them troughout this new year.
My favortie book WOOT
My favorite book of 2009 was "We all Know of Heaven". This wonderful book is written by Jacquelyn Mitchard.
The book is about two best friends that get in a car crash. One of them dies, but the other one doesn't. The doctors make a huge mistake after 2 years. They accidently gave the wrong girl to the family that's daughter actually died. The girl that lived did not know that she was given to the wrong family because she got brain damage, she could not remember anything after the accident.
This book is based on a real story.
I like this book because it has a weird twist to it. I also like it because its based on a true story. The book was written very well by the author.
The book is about two best friends that get in a car crash. One of them dies, but the other one doesn't. The doctors make a huge mistake after 2 years. They accidently gave the wrong girl to the family that's daughter actually died. The girl that lived did not know that she was given to the wrong family because she got brain damage, she could not remember anything after the accident.
This book is based on a real story.
I like this book because it has a weird twist to it. I also like it because its based on a true story. The book was written very well by the author.
New year relection
The three wishes I have for the new year are: First, I will get a job at Tim-Horton's to earn my own money to hang out with friends. My second wish is that the friends I make in 2010 will remain my friends. The third wish for 2010 is to lead and hopefully in the right direction!! :)
" Sam B "
" Sam B "
Three New Year Wishes
I have three wishes for the year of 2010. They will not happen. They defy the laws of phsyics.
Number one is that I am incredibly good looking. Impossible, I know but it's a wish none the less. Wish two is for a huge amount of charisma. Some examples are that I am funny, good come backs and things that people would laugh at. Again Impossible. Last one is that I exceed in everything I do. I dont mean to be the best but I just want to be great at everything. You know, Incredible break dancer (I am not) extremely athletic and flexible (I am athletic but not bursting with muscle yet) and other stuff that would be considered cool. All impossible. These are not wishes for the new year, they are wishes that I have wanted for a long time. Its never going to happen but if I had three wishes, those would be what I would wish for. Id pretty much wish that I was the guy that nobody made fun of, everyone like (as a friend) and was pretty much, but not quite, perfect. Haha... Wishful thinking. Im sure ive lost a few of you already so im going to end this here.
Number one is that I am incredibly good looking. Impossible, I know but it's a wish none the less. Wish two is for a huge amount of charisma. Some examples are that I am funny, good come backs and things that people would laugh at. Again Impossible. Last one is that I exceed in everything I do. I dont mean to be the best but I just want to be great at everything. You know, Incredible break dancer (I am not) extremely athletic and flexible (I am athletic but not bursting with muscle yet) and other stuff that would be considered cool. All impossible. These are not wishes for the new year, they are wishes that I have wanted for a long time. Its never going to happen but if I had three wishes, those would be what I would wish for. Id pretty much wish that I was the guy that nobody made fun of, everyone like (as a friend) and was pretty much, but not quite, perfect. Haha... Wishful thinking. Im sure ive lost a few of you already so im going to end this here.
New Year Reflection

I have set three goals for the New Year. One of the three are to get better grades for the remainder of the year and improve on my report card. This is important to me, because i know if i work my hardest i can do it and i really want a good report. It's also the last year at Royal Oak, and i want to do the best i can this year. Another goal i have is to take my dancing more seriously, then i have in the past. It's not that i haven't, but i want to dance in the future and get in to competitions. This is important to me, because i know i can do it if i set my mind to it and i have been doing dance ever since i was little and want to continue. My third goal for the year is to be more careful with my money. I tend to spend it unreasonably and i want to save it and buy stuff that i really want or need. This is important to me because money is obviously important and you need to work for it, and i don't want to spend it on just anything. I am hoping i can successfully complete my three goals for the New Year!
Best book last year :)

2010 !!!
Two more years until our world goes kablooey! :DSorry if I scared you there. My new year reflection is going to be on the best book I read last year, because I'm a nerd. This is a picture of my twin. Anyways, the best book I read was Mary Bloody Mary. I had to read it for this reading program we did in grade seven that was really boring. This book was one of the few that weren't half bad. At first it's really hard to understand because it's old English, but overall it was good. The idea of the book is that Mary Tudor, daughter of King Henry VIII, has her mother killed when her father wants to get married to somebody else. After that she has to serve their new child! It sucks to be her... Anyways, that was my favorite book last year. Actually Twilight was but I'm so sick of hearing about it. Except Edward, he's the love of my life. I hope to read more. Well no, not really, but maybe something good will pop up?
Oh and if your wondering, Maddie has a crush on the babe above.. she keeps pictures of him in her locker if you want to see....
new years
My three wishes for the new years is to, one improve my soccer skills and get along with my team more than last year. I Would also like to improve my grades a bit and get more A's than last year's report card. I would also like to improve my mountain biking
by next year and be able to go mountain biking with my friends. Those are the things that I would like to improve the most before the next year.
What Skills did I learn in the Past Year!
One of the three skills I learned in the past year was to carve and chisel wood. I made an Indian carving that looked like an owl on top of a hippopotamus on top of a wolf. The second skill I learned from my three skills is that I learned how to snorkel, although I was only about one foot from the surface of the water so there wasn't much thrill in it. The third and final skill I learned in 2009 is I learned how to make a mean pizza with oregano, grated cheese, Salome and some other meat i can not remember the name of, it is so good. Those are the three skills I learned in 2009.
Three things I look forward to in the New Year

The first thing that I am looking forward to is going to Italy with my family, and spending more time with them. It's going to be weird because of the time change, And I will not understand anyone because I don't speak or understand Italian. The Second thing I am looking forward to is spending more time in Vancouver with my family and friends. I love going there because it's fun to see my father , but I also get to see my old friends from elementary school. The Third thing that I am really looking forward to is going to Comox with Brenna, and meeting all of her family members and her close friends. I love going to places with Brenna because she is my close friend, and I can talk to her about every thing. (:
Top Three Things Im Looking Forward To This Year :)

The top three things I'm looking forward to in the new year are.... The first thing I'm looking forward to is visiting my best friend Christy in Germany, It will be my first flight across the world by myself. I very excited. After I arrive, I'll have to get use to the nine-hour time change, then I'll be able to travel to near by cities and towns using the train system. The second thing I'm looking forward to more frequent visits with my father and his family in Comox, since he's back from working in Bermuda and the Grand Prairie for the last two years, I miss him a great deal and can't wait to see him next week. The last thing im looking forward to in the new year is to make the grade eight girls competitive volleyball team, I really hope all my wishes come true, including yours!!!!!
My New Year's Goals!

A new year calls for a celebration, maybe a party or just getting together with close friends and family. I am really looking forward to a new year, 2010! There are 3 major goals I have for this year, and they all are extremely important to me. One thing would be to help someone in need, and make a difference in their life. It could be a friend, a family member, or even a complete strange, as long as I do a little something to change their life for the better, I'm satisfied. Number two on my list is to really take a different outlook on life, and to be less judgemental about my peers and the people around me. I hope to have a different thought about life and the way I think about people, and change that for the better good. Last but not least, my third goal for 2010 is to think for myself. I don't want to let anyone else's thoughts change the way i think or feel. I want to be more indepent, and show people that I can think for myself. Being indepent is really important to me because I feel like my own person and that I don't need to rely on anyone for me to get the job down. All of these goals are really important to me, and I want to succeed them ALL! I hope 2010 is a good year for me and brings me the best! :)
My New Year's Reflection.

I have lots of wishes for the New Year, but I have three wishes that are important to me. The first wish I have is to improve my school grades, and to get more A's. I also would like to improve my soccer skills for the New Year. The second wish I have is to get my parents to take me to Dubai, so I can visit my Uncle, Aunt, and my two younger Cousins. If I traveled to Dubai I would also go to other places in Europe like Italy, Rome, Germany!!! The third wish I have is to go to Calgary to visit my friend Katie because we have been friends for five years and I haven't seen her since she moved to Calgary in grade six. If possible I would also like to go to watch one of the activities for the 2010 Olympic games that are being held in Vancouver, BC.
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