I was talking to some people in my class, asking if they liked the field trip. I got a variety of answers, ranging from yes, no, kind of and all sorts like that. Do you want my opinion? Well I loved it! It was the coolest field trip
i've ever been on. When we first got their, I wasn't sure if i was going to like it or not. Yes
i'll admit the first hour or so it was boring, but once we got to the cafeteria it started to get interesting. It started off with a bus full of excited students, we finally arrived and got the tour started. The leader of our group, Neil was his name was also a Hall Tech. A Hall Tech is someone who knows all of the jobs, and went to school for them. For example, a Hall Tech would know plumbing, sheet metal, carpentry, wood working and lots more. After we got our tour of the Fleet school we walked on down to the cafeteria. At the cafeteria their were tons and tons of things to choose from. It varied from salad bars, spaghetti, sandwiches, cereal, fries and much more! Finally after that we got to go on tours of the ships! That was my favourite part, we got to go down all stairs, and in all the little cupboards! The funniest part i think would
have been when Ashley St. Jean (our tour guide) locked Derek in the bottom of the ship! Derek was screaming like a little girl! :) Overall i think it was a great learning experience and i hope to go back someday! :)