Most people know about the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS in the world but mostly in poor parts of Africa. So many people are dying because of it and still there isn't a cure. If something so serious is happening and killing so many people I would expect that they would try really hard and put more money and time into finding a cure for this deadly disease. If no one does anything about it, it will just keep spreading and killing so many people. Worldwide estimates that as of December 2000, there were an estimated 36.1 million people living with HIV/AIDS (34.7 million adults and 1.4 million children under 15). Since the epidemic began, an estimated 21.8 million people have died of AIDS (17.5 million adults and 4.3 million children under 15). Just think about how bad it's effecting the world already, if we just leave this alone and don't find a cure all it's going to do is get worse. Alot of people don't care as much and actually understand how bad HIV/AIDS can be and how many people have died from it. I think scientests or whoever is incharge of finding cures for it should try alittle harder because it's been going on a long time and it's not going to stop until we make it.
nice points