I'm going to write about how to play softball. Only because Quinn is telling me to though. In softball there's 9 positions, Pitcher, Catcher, 1st base, 2nd base, short stop, 3rd base, left field, right field and center field. I've played softball/ baseball since I was four. The position I like playing the most is pitcher, or else i like going on 2nd base or short stop. This year will be my ninth year, and I play for beacon hill but their making a BC ball team so I'm playing on that. In softball it's an under-hand pitch instead of over hand.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I'm going to write about how to play softball. Only because Quinn is telling me to though. In softball there's 9 positions, Pitcher, Catcher, 1st base, 2nd base, short stop, 3rd base, left field, right field and center field. I've played softball/ baseball since I was four. The position I like playing the most is pitcher, or else i like going on 2nd base or short stop. This year will be my ninth year, and I play for beacon hill but their making a BC ball team so I'm playing on that. In softball it's an under-hand pitch instead of over hand.

Basket ball is my favourite sport. It is a game in which 2 teams have 5 people each, and the hoop is about 10 feet. Basket ball was invented by North Americans, and is one of the most played sports in the world. I enjoy it because it is fun to dribble and pass to people, it is also fun to score a basket.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My Intrests Outside School
I love to draw and let my mind roam free ! Usually, I would go somewhere outdoors to draw instead of staying in side, unless it is raining. I am however, my most creative inside. I find it very interesting to go places and watch the people and try to guess thier personalities. My second favorite thing is to act. I love acting in drama because the feeling is so neat; to pretend that your someone else for a certain amount of time. It is a time to experience new things in life; a chance to step out of your own shoes. All of a sudden you can be in school one minute and on a battlefield the next, or on a plane anywhere in Paris! These are the thoughts that I think about that keep me strong everyday in life and it's exciting to wake up to a new day every morning!
Soccer ! WOOT
I know.. A lot of people are doing posts on soccer..but oh well.
I have been playing soccer for four years now and enjoy it very much. It is a lot of work because you have to run and understand the positions. My position that I mainly play is left wing. I help the midfielders to get the goals also known as 'goal assist'. Another point in soccer is that you have to be on top of the ball and be first there. To do that you must be aggressive, that means not using your shoulders but pushing the opponent off the ball thus getting your chance to pass it up to someone so you can get a goal! In soccer you have to pay attention or else that is like letting your team down, if your just running (not very hard) and not hustling to the ball than your teammates are gonna be very angry. Just to let you know if you want to be in soccer be prepared to work hard and concentrate!
A Game of Action
I already know that there are way to many posts on soccer, but I really don't care. Soccer is one of the most friendly sports out there. Some people wouldn't agree with me, but if you think about it soccer is nothing like Hockey, Lacrosse, Wrestling, etc. The most aggressive part of the game is just fighting for the ball! The position that I play, center midfield, is probably one of the most exciting positions. The key is to control the ball properly and send it off to an open player, or make a through ball. If your wondering what a through ball is exactly, it's kicking the ball through all of the players to an opening, where your team can run on it and hopefully get a goal! It's easier said than done. Some other important tips are that when you're shooting, you have to have a certain position and that passes should always be fast and crisp. My favorite team is Brazil's. I'm not sure why, so don't ask that question please.
PS: Don't you love how I didn't say 'soccer is played internationally' like all the other blogs. Your welcome.

Colorado Avalanche
I like the Colorado Avalanche because they have a record of 13-5-3. I also like them because they have some really good players that i like just like Matt Duchene. Matt has 2 goals 5 assists and 7 points. colorado's leading scorer is wojtek wolski. he has 9 goals 8 assists and 17 points. His +/- is +4 for wolski. Matt is -8.
Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a nice tropical adventurous place, zip-lining through the forests and see-dooing in the beautiful blue waters. They have many kinda people around, and lots of little huts for stores on the side of the road. They have many festivals, they have rides, stores to buy small souvenir's and bull fighting, which is very intense to watch! There are two parts of Costa Rica, the city part that is a lot like New York and the other is the desert part. In the City part of Costa Rica, there are many people and it is very crowded with lots of stores. In the other half of Costa Rica which is the desert, is mostly blue water, dark green trees. Costa Rica is filled with lots of resorts, the Occidental Grand Papagayo, Occidental Allegro, Paradisus Playa Conchal & lots more!
Vacations are a
blast because you can skip school or go somwhere warm when it is cold where you are or vice verca. when you are there is a whole different world to experience. Somtimes the food is very different and the culture sometimes sems strange to us. I have been to disneyland 6 times but have never been to Hawaii but hope to go in grade 9 or 10.
Lyrical is a dance type that combines elements of modern and ballet dance techniques. The music varies between instrumental and pieces with just vocals. The name lyrical comes from the word "Lyrics" because dancers use the lyrics of a song to help them think of emotion and moves for the dance. The goal of a lyrical dance is to use gesture and facial expression. Besides using emotion Lyrical dance typicially encourages the movement of weight and line. After you have gone to dance classes, in this case Lyrical class for 1 year theirs a year end recital. A recital is when all of the dance types, and classes all get together and give a huge preformance for anyone who wants to come watch. You get to wear all sorts of cool costumes. I recommend this to anyone who is interested in a faster type of ballet or slower type of jazz.
Soccer is for Players
Soccer is one of the more popular sports in the world. People play it all over the world, some people that play in Africa use long sticks for the posts, one big long stick for the cross bar, use twine for the nets. In Italy soccer is a vary popular, people in Italy crave soccer. Soccer is a world wide sport that you only play with your feet. Soccer has been played for many years since the early sixty's and every one can play.
Respect Soccer
Soccer is a very important sport and it is played internationally. Soccer is more popular because in the poorer country's they do not have a lot of money and to play soccer you only need a soccer ball and then you can play. Like some other sports, like hockey you need to have a lot of equipment to play if you want to play in the ice. If you don't want to play on the ice and you just want to play on the road then you still need a hockey ball, a hockey net and a hockey stick. Soccer is also a very fun sport to play.
softball WOOT!
Softball was in invented by George Hancock in Chicago, Illinois in 1887. In the first game they used brooms as bats and for a ball they used a rolled up boxing glove!The playing field is divided into fair territory and foul territory. Fair territory is further divided into the infield, and the outfield, and the territory beyond the outfield fence.Despite the sport's name, softballs are not especially soft.The bat used by the batter is made of metal, wood or composite materials.There are nine or ten players out on the field at one time. The pitcher and catcher have the ball the most, each person has a specific job. In the infield there is the pitcher, catcher, first baseman, second baseman, shortstop, and third baseman. In the outfield there is left fielder, center fielder, and right fielder. In slow pitch softball there is an extra fielder, who is specified as a rover. Normally, the defensive team will play with four outfielders, meaning there is a left fielder, left-center fielder, right-center fielder, and right fielder. Softball should be played more often.

Monday, November 16, 2009
How to: play a guitar (Basics)

Before you start learning chords and jamming out, you need to know the basics.
First of all you need to know the parts of the guitar. At the head of the guitar or the headstock there should be six knobs attached to the six strings. They are the tuning pegs. Right under the head is the nut. There are the frets which are the small metal bars crossing all the way down the neck of the guitar. There are small dots on the third, fifth, seventh, ninth, twelfth, fifteenth, seventeenth, nineteenth, and twenty first frets. They are called the fret markers. Near the end of the body, where the strings feed into is called the tailpiece. Underneath the strings directly above the tailpiece is the bridge and then the pickups. Looking at a right handed guitar, on the right side is the selector switch and the volume and tone controls. Either underneath them or on the bottom of the guitar is the output jack.
You also need to learn about the strings. The strings are very easy to remember once you have a memorizing pattern. They are: E,A,D,G,B,E. One E is the thickest or the lowest sounding string. It is the sixth. A is the fifth string. D is the fourth. G is the third. B is the second. The other E is the thinest or highest sounding string. It's the first. Some memorizing patterns are Eat All Day Get Big Easy or Elephants Are Darn Good Bubblegum Eaters.
Once you get the strings memorized you can learn about the frets. While the strings divide the guitar from left to right, frets divide the guitar into sections from top to bottom. If you look at your guitar from above, you can see that the strings and frets together form a grid that covers the entire neck of the guitar.
In one week I will continue my How To on How to play guitar.

I just found out something interesting. That unit we did in Social Studies? Yes, it has something to do with the Franks. Actually it has more to do with the language they spoke- Frankish. I am a dancer, and I don't know much about the origins of dance, but I found out that the word 'dance' came from the French word 'danser' , which may have actually come from the Frankish language. I found that out while I was looking for new updates about choregraphy. Isn't it funny how you can find one thing when you're looking for something else?
Travel to the beautiful Mexico
Mexico is a beautiful, scenic place to visit. Its packed with interesting stores and friendly people. If your interested in going to a warm, and safe place place for a family vacation, I would recommend going to the Tulum Resort. It's connected to two other resorts called the Coba and Ackumal Resort, that can be traveled to by golf carts or busses that come by every four minutes. There are many lizards and iguanas that love to relax in the hot sun on the pathways, so if you highly dislike reptiles i suggest going to a different country that isnt so hot.
I've been doing competitive swimming for 2 years now and i am in a national level. That means i can travel to places such as: Edmonton, Las Angles, Montreal etc. for swim meets.
Last year when i went to Edmonton's champion ships. We went shopping at west Edmonton Mall on the day we got there. We got a small swim group award for the points we scored. You score points by swimming in a race and if you come in 8 place or any place under, you score points for your team and it is counted at the very end.
We won 200 dollars for our team, we would of split the money to all of us, but you would only get about 15 dollars each. Instead we put the money into these shirts which one of our team mates drew for us. The other half of the money we put into a dinner for the last day we stayed at Edmonton.

Ryan Cochrane won a bronze medal in the 1500m boys freestyle race in the Beijing Olympics.The cool thing is he's from my swim team!
Last year when i went to Edmonton's champion ships. We went shopping at west Edmonton Mall on the day we got there. We got a small swim group award for the points we scored. You score points by swimming in a race and if you come in 8 place or any place under, you score points for your team and it is counted at the very end.
We won 200 dollars for our team, we would of split the money to all of us, but you would only get about 15 dollars each. Instead we put the money into these shirts which one of our team mates drew for us. The other half of the money we put into a dinner for the last day we stayed at Edmonton.

Ryan Cochrane won a bronze medal in the 1500m boys freestyle race in the Beijing Olympics.The cool thing is he's from my swim team!

Jamaica is a beautiful country that has a hot climate and a lovely place to sit back and relax. One of the largest country in Jamaica is Montego Bay. Many people go to Montego Bay to have a vacation, have fun, and get a nice tan! It is the island hot spot for tourism. Montego Bay has three distinctive parts. Number one; the city itself, which is usually crowed with tourists. Number two; the hotel area, where most people spend their time, and is more city. And lastly, number three; the hotel areas which are more in the country side, among hills and mountains, where you see a beautiful view. A fun place to visit is called the "hip strip", that's usually where the party is at, it is the downtown central of Montego Bay. The favorite feature of the hip strip is the amazing coral reef bays, that Jamaica is known for, that, and their lovely brown men. Walking down the streets of Jamaica is filled with little boutiques and huts selling necklaces, and jewelry and other Jamaican things. I hope one day I can visit this beautiful country, and you should too!
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