Dear Mr.Westhaver.
i think we should be able to leave school early everyday if we finish our work early. I think this is because if we focus and do our work it might motivate us to get it all done so we can leave. If all our work is done, theirs no point in staying at school, and any extra stuff we need to get done we can do for homework on our own time. Any students that wish to do their work at school, can stay the full day, and any that want to finish it and then leave early, must make sure it is ok with their parents and home room teacher. Before students leave, they must show their teachers their finished, assigned homework. Students might get extra sleep and be more focused the next day, from having more time off during the day, and a lot less homework. In my opinion, this could help in a lot of ways and make the learning experience more enjoyable.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
we should go home when our work is done

Dear Mr. Westhaver,
I think we should get to go home when our work is done because if we dont most kids just want to sit there and talk but if we got an oportunity to leave then I think students would try harder so they can go home. I think they shouldnt be able to go home if the teacher hasnt checked to see if there work is done. I also think we should do this because at the end of tyhe day all the kids keep fooling around and get in trouble because they get to go home soon and that puts stress on the teachers and principals. This would also give more time to kids that have sports and other things that they have to jam in to there night.
Why should we have to do homework?

Down with homework.

Dear Mr. Burgess,
I have taken part of my time to speak for myself and the division of 8-5. All of us get up early in the morning to get ready for the long six hours of school, we work extremely hard and the only thing we get in return, is more work! Most teachers dont realize that we have more homework from the five other teachers that teach all of our subjects. Having too much homework, can wear us down to exhaustion and not allow us to present the best of our ability, affect our sleeping patterns, and cause us to be unhealthy by having no time to exercise and eat healthy meals with our families.
please, take this into consideration.
sincerely, Brenna.
No More Homework
I think that we shouldn't be assigned homework anymore. One reason I think we shouldn't have any homework because we have done work for almost 5 hours at least and then we would have to do more in the comfort in our own home. Every kid in our class, and even our school, has something to do because we have lives. They also expect us to do it even though we have things to do, like sports, or practicing instruments, and even hanging out with friends. The worst thing is, most teachers won't even believe you. For me, I have soccer 4 times a week minimum just with my team. I also I go to my drum practice once a week, but I practice everyday for at least half an hour. I even game on my PS3 for almost an hour and I go on Facebook and Youtube for an hour too. Even though this seems like a lot, I still hang out with my friends every weekend for almost the whole day. When I explain this to my teachers, they always say that I have a lot of free time, but I'm willing to give up any of that stuff do hours of extra homework that I have done in school. This is why I think that we shouldn't do any more homework.
Wi-Fi at ROMS!

Persuading My Teacher to Let Me Leave Early When I'm done My Work
Persuading to let us leave early after were done all our work for the day, seems pretty friendly in some cases. First of all, if we were done in time, we could practically have the whole day to stay at home, and not worry about a thing that's related to homework. Second, we would be able to do things with our parents, that we got to miss out on when we came to school, plus going out the family is nice, once in a while. Third, if a major crisis is happening, like the death of a loved one, which I have experienced alot, you get to hear what happened and see what you can do, (although mom & dad won't give out to much info because they just want to keep it to the adults to handle).
Presuade my Teachers to Stop Giving us Homework

I think we should not have any homework for three reasons. Number one: We have suffered through homework for as long as we've been in school. Naturally kids and teens procrastinate when it comes to homework. It then takes us longer to complete it. We waste all our time worrying. Stress builds up and we get grumpy around our family. We may even fight with them, due to our foul mood. Number two: We may have a certain type of sport that we must attend too. If we have homework, we might miss our game or go to the practice, aggressive and not a team player. Number three: with all this paper we're using with this homework, our trees re slowly dying and if enough trees die, we will run out of air. Yes, homework could possibly kill us in the future. Homework is irrelevant. It should be optional. If it was optional, you could either brush up on something whn u need too or go home and have fun. Studying on the other hand would not be optional. Studying would replace homework. I find it harder to study when I have a pile of homework that i have too do. If there was no homework, then i would be able to study better, and do better on my tests. Homework takes up space in our doutangs, binders, and books. It is easy to become unorganized. When we are unorganized we become stressed. Homework is an irrelevent, annoying, stressful task for all kids, but not only for the kids and teens. Parents get stressed from our stress. Teachers get stressed from marking mountains of homework. We ALL get stressed from the same thing. So why do we keep handing out homework? It seems so pointless....
Homework- Really All That Necessary?

I personally think that homework is necessary, but to an extent. Homework is important for practicing the things you learn daily at school and drilling them into your memory, but don't you think that having so much work that you're too tired to even think about what your doing, is over-doing it? For one, students need a specific amount of time each day to unwind and relax. Without this period of time, the stress of too much work and constantly being busy is overwhelming, and can be unhealthy for the body, and the mind. Students soon become so stressed that they may not be able to function properly, which makes them distracted due to worrying. If they are distracted, do you think that they will concentrate in class? No. This is usually what irritates teachers- lack of attention from the students in class.
Another thing to think about is how huge amounts of homework will make the students feel. After a while, students will just give up because they feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and sometimes, downright bored. They will think that there is no point in trying anymore, because they will finish one thing, and get another assignment. After a while, if the student does not have super-human powers to help them finish work lightning fast, the work will build up and the student will end up in a downward spiral of constantly doing, thinking about, and breathing homework every second of the day. This is the time when students don't really care anymore. I don't think teachers will want to hear that students think there is no point in doing the work, or worse yet, think that the teacher's only goal in life is to torture kids with an endless, mounting supply of constant work.
Finally, I honestly think that the amount of homework kids receive may be a result of the teacher's mood. Maybe if the teachers also had a while to relax (longer than an hour!) where they were not allowed to think about lessons or work or planning, they would be in a much happier mood. I know that for some that is very hard because it is their job to plan these things, but maybe with a little organization, some sleep, and a bit understanding, teachers could make an agreement with students that no matter how bad their day was or how horrible they're feeling, they will not take it out on their students.
I hope that the reasons I have provided are reasonable and understandable regarding homework.
Why my teacher should give us less work

I think the teacher should give us less work and here are my reasons:
- Work makes us tired so we would tend to get less work done when you give us more work.
- If the work you give us is detailed and there's lots of description which will make us understand what we are doing then we learn just as much when we get less work
- When we get more work we will hand it in more often because that's the only thing we have for homework so homework might take us just 10-20 min.
- If we get less work then we will have more time to study for tests so most of the class will get an A.
why we shouldent have so much homework

Over the past 8 years there has been a sharp increase of homework, and for what? There seems to be every reason not to do homework, and here are some good reasons why we shouldn't. Firstly if you the teacher give us loads of home work we spend lots of time doing it and we go to bed late, witch makes us tired and less likely to pay attention in class the day after. Secondly we talk more in class because of homework for we know when we get home will be more likely to be working on home work than socializing , so we socializing in class. Lastly the more homework assigned the more likely we are to procrastinate witch leads to assignments turd in later.
why should my teacher give us less work

Work takes a long time to do, if the teacher gives us more of it, we will get homework, and I don't like that. This is only one of my reasons why my teacher should give us less work: If the teacher gives us more work then we get tired and if we get more work then we will not hand it in on time and we don't need that to happen. Homework, I call it a pain in the neck, we research and research and we get tired from that. I write, write and write just to do the H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K, we type, type and type, we look up the sites on the P.C and that's not good for my hands. The work is so boring, I know, I know, it makes us learn, but if we get more work I will never stop working and if it never stops I will never play my games. And that is why the teacher should give us less work.
No more homework

I think that my teachers should not give us so much home work because some of us have sports to go to and we have to miss it to do home work or we have to miss our homework and then we get in trouble for not doing it. Another reason we shouldn't have so much home work is because we go to school for six hours for seven days a week and when some one assign homework and no one does it you assign another assignment the next day and that's why our home work piles up on us. If you just give us a couple of days to do it and if no has still done it then maybe teachers should ask why its not in and help them if they need it or they should come to you and ask for help and if their having consisting problems then the teachers should help them often as possible. The last reason is that most of us have to do chores like the dishes, vacuuming, sweeping and cleaning the house and our parents don't care that we have homework they need there house cleaned before we do the things that really matter and why can't they do them,i would be able to do them but i always have home work and if i have to do chores then i don't get my homework done and then i get stuck with all this homework,so for all you teachers out there that give out so much homework lay of the kids they want to feel good to go to school not think about how much homework there going to get or what there going to get.
Persuade Mr.B to give you the password to the Wi-Fi internet at ROMS.
We use the internet in our everyday lives, Why can't we access it where ever we want in the school? Teachers and Principals just expect that each student will use it for "terrible" websites like Twitter, Facebook and other communicating websites. Students use google a lot for school activities and projects because they help them figure out suggestions and answers to questions and information about different things. Another website that is good for educational purposes is Youtube because they help you understand stuff better in a video than just reading it a bunch of times. Giving the Wi-Fi password would also save more money for the school because you have Wi-Fi that every student can connect to instead of spending all your money on 30 computer, which each class has to try to get time for. All teachers believe that it would be a major distraction to students but if each student did there own work in each block while using Wi-Fi and there teacher was keeping an eye on them I think it would be just fine. I think Mr. B should definitly trust us and give us the password to the Wi-Fi so we can do our own independant work in the classroom instead of always having to go the computer lab and him walking from the classroom to the lab to check on us.
we should all go to a Flames game
I think we should get enough money so all the grade 8's in the districted can go to a Calgary flames game. We should not waste our money on any field trips so we can save up for the game. I think we deserve the game because we have to stand a hole year of work and barley any field trips. We have had to stand doing homework every night with no breaks cause we have that much. We have barley any chance to socialize in school and the only time we do get to is at recess so i think this is a good chance for our class to socialize a bite more. I hope our class and some other classes are able to do this....(IT WOULD BE FUN!!!!).
Everyone loves the Canucks right? Well I have loved them since I was a small child. Always making big "GO CANUCKS" banners when watching the games and painting my face even though I was in my own living room. Why would we go to a Canucks game? What would be the point?
My first reason is that it would teach us to be enthusiastic and participate in a great event. As I am in Leadership, our job is to help get kids in the school to be enthusiastic in the events we come up with. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we don't. Getting the class to participate in a amazing event like a Canucks game would somewhat show how many people get into face painting, getting signatures, jerseys and cheering on the Canucks!One way to look at it, is could call it a contest, who ever cheers the most and does more to join in, is sure enthusiastic!
Second reason is that since we don't have hockey in our PE class, this would be a great oppurtunity for our PE teacher to show us the good o'l hockey game! I know we have field hockey here at ROMS but what about ice hockey? They may seem like the same thing but they aren't at all. They are both very different!!! Why? one of the major differences between field hockey and ice hockey is the size and shape of the stick used. In field hockey, the sizes of the stick range in length from 26 to 38 inches, depending on the height of the player. In ice hockey, the lengths of the sticks are based on a measurement taken from a player's nose to the ground.
My third reason,
Kesler and Luongo are pretty frickin awesome :D

I think that we should definitely go to a Canucks game, because of a few reasons. The first is that if we made a deal on it. for example, we can work on many projects, and if most of us do learn about it, then we can go to the game! This way people will try to get their work done on time and then enjoy a good game after it! Another reason is that we don't have any hockey PE unit, so at least going to a game seems fair. Even if it's only our class. Leadership students could help plan going too. The game would help people who do play hockey to learn about it. The last reason for us going to a Canucks game is because we could even use math during the game. We could try to get the percentage of goals and the time of getting to the ferry and all the fun stuff. This would definitely be a great trip. Even people who aren't Canucks fans might enjoy it because there's always got to be another team! That's why we should go to a game, because we'd all like it! (:
PS: Luongo and Burrows are life.
Why kids shouldn't get homework.

Well I'm gonna write this blog about homework, because well... we get too much of it. And as if it isn't enough for us to spend 6 hours a day, 5 days a week in school, and then go home and spend 3 hours of the time we actually get to ourselves on school work? I know teachers want their work handed in, but they should just give less or have a longer time period to hand it in, so then we actually get our time to us. Homework isn't always that bad, but it ends up piling up, especially when you have sport teams or dance to do a few times a week. Like me, I have softball 2 times a week, and dance once a week. And I'm about to get a job, so by having homework it makes you stress out that you have to do homework, dance, softball, and have a job and be able to do all of them. It isn't too bad I guess, but it still isn't very good at all, but I think kids would work a lot better if we didn't have to do homework, because they would need to get it done in class, but I guess everyone could always do homework is they wanted to, but really, Who wants to do that? Well that's my opinion on homework, and I think that teachers should really think about giving no homework, because kids would be a lot nicer and work better in class if they didn't, because school is for work. Home shouldn't be!
Canuckles WOOT!

Persuade Teachers To Stop Giving Out To Much Work!
Personally(maybe almost everyone in the class) I want less homework then the normal homework Mr.Burgess gives out. Ido not mind him giving out a lot of homework, all i want is more time to work on it before the due date. Like in school, so i can ask help from him about it. There are other things that we do aside from doing the homework he gives out. There is also the homework Mr.Sihota gives us. He assigns work daily and expects it done by the next day for marking. The homework he assign is what i have to do at home first thing because he talks and explain all about it in class that we do not have time to do much of the work in class, unlike in Mr.Burgess class, we can finish the work that he assigns within class time. Also Mr.Burgess is an easy person to ask for more time because he is our homeroom teacher unlike Mr.Sihota. Practices like Hockey, Soccer etc.. are also another reason for not accomplish homework. We need to spare time for things like that. Once I arrive at home, I have chores to do, tutor to attend and much more. I only have ten hours to do my personal things and also homework and I have a lot of homework to be hand in the next day. During the weekends, you want to do nothing but just play around because it is your 2-3 days of no school, freedom. But, when you have homework you feel like you have less time to do your personal things. Homework is what worries and stresses me out. I Think about how much homework i need to do, the due dates are coming but i also just want to sit around and rest my brain.
Persuade Mr.B to stop giving so much homework

Ya it's kinda sickish u know to go home and like do homework because you spend like 6 hours at school doing it anyway. And like who would want to stay inside on a sunny bright shinny day doing work! Plus I only get to be a kid once in a life time..! And like all of my friends are going to like the Bay Centre to go shopping and I can't even go because of the homework he gives me plus all the other subjects on top of all that it kinda gets very frustrating.
Stop homework! ! !

Teachers should stop sending out homework! Why do we have to take school work home? Maybe occasionally we could have homework to study for tests, but other than that, why do we need homework?! We learn already too much at school, and some subjects aren't even going to help us out in later in our life. We have to write a lot of notes and worksheets. That makes our brain work too hard. After your half way done you homework, you look at the clock and you till have at least an hour to go. The next day you're all tired and you cant study or think, and when that reacquires you'll be behind and you might even fail that grade. School is boring enough, when we get to high school we won't have any recess and it's going to be hectic.
If you miss a day or too, you'll have to catch up on all your home work. Especially because I swim. I travel a lot and it's hard work. That brings me down to my last example.
Most of us play a sport or are in some kind of activity/ies. For example; i swim 8 times a week so i swim once in the morning and one at night for 2hours. It's really tiring and when i get home it's about 7:00pm or 7:30pm, depending on when swimming ends. I get home and have dinner. After that's done its already 8:00 pm. I have morning practice the next day so i can't stay up late.
That why i think there should be no homework for school. I hope you agree with me,(i know all kids every agree : ] ) and so now i just got to hope for you to listen!
If you miss a day or too, you'll have to catch up on all your home work. Especially because I swim. I travel a lot and it's hard work. That brings me down to my last example.
Most of us play a sport or are in some kind of activity/ies. For example; i swim 8 times a week so i swim once in the morning and one at night for 2hours. It's really tiring and when i get home it's about 7:00pm or 7:30pm, depending on when swimming ends. I get home and have dinner. After that's done its already 8:00 pm. I have morning practice the next day so i can't stay up late.
That why i think there should be no homework for school. I hope you agree with me,(i know all kids every agree : ] ) and so now i just got to hope for you to listen!
Not as Much Homework

I think that you should assign less homework because you only get to be a kid once and you don't want to spend your hole time as a kid inside doing homework. You want to be outside playing with friends and having fun or just hanging out. homewok is just boring and is hard and no fun at all. It is alright to assign a bit of homework over the weekend but we should not have to spend the hole time doing homewok, I mean come on the weekend is our two days off we should not have to spend that time doing homework. You should give us more time to do the work at school, and when you have other stuff to do like chores or sports you have no time to just hang out at all or talk to friends. Work should be for school not for home,
THAT'S WHAT SCHOOL IS FOR ! That's why you should assign less home work!
Alex Burrows is great.

Dear Mr.Burgess
I think you should let us leave school for a day and go to a Canucks game. For those who haven't been to one, its a great experience. Lots of screaming people, interesting costumes and just a lot of fun in general. If we take the 7:00 ferry and the game is at night, we could use the day time to pay a visit to Science World, The Vancouver Aquarium, or the Planetarium. All of those places have a great learning system. It's a good experience to take the BC Ferry transport system. Sometimes in the morning they have Whale Watching on the decks of the ferry. If your traveling for science, it's a great learning experience for everyone, and just a fun experience in general! :)
Persuade my teacher into giving us less work
I think we should get less homework because us children have to have time to relax from school because we get really tired form the work that we do at school. If you give us less work, the work that we hand into you will be more thourough, and it will be more detailed becasue we wont have to rush to get it done. In my opinion I think that we should just have to do work at school, and not have to do it at home because we already dedicate six hours of work, and about three hours more after school. I strongly think that is not fair because we should have time to destress and not think about work after school. Even if you give us a little less work, that will still be better for us so that we can have more time to work on it so we can get a better grade.
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