Thursday, April 15, 2010

Navy Field Trip

Yesterday our class went on a field trip to the Naval base and I really enjoyed it! First of all we learnt about the trades they could learn there, and took a tour of the Fleet School. The were three main trades. The first one we learnt about was the electrician trade. It involved hands on work with computers, and other high tech equipment. Next, we learnt about the stoker trade. And lastly we learnt about Hall tech, which worked with sheet metal, and plumbing. We toured the base and saw huge engine parts taken apart, and many different "Hands on" work stations. My favorite part about the Fleet school was when we saw the huge mechanical guns, that shot hundreds of bullets per second. Then we went to lunch. After that we moved on to a tour of the Navy ships. Taking a tour of the ships was my favorite part of the day! We walked down to the docks and were assigned to our tour guides. My tour guide was very funny, and cracked a lot of jokes. Ha ha. he showed us the bridge, which is the only part of the ship with windows, he showed us the cabins, and Galley, and took us to a part of the ship that was under sea level. The stairs were so steep! In all, the most favorite part of the day for me, was having an awesome tour guide so us around the ships. All together, the day was very fun! :)

1 comment:

  1. Great post. But I have to go off topic just once...
    Holly is gorgeous.
