I learned a lot from the field trip to the Navy Base. I learned why they go out to sea, and what there job is. Something i learned from that, that i didnt know before, was that they do search and rescue. There job is actually very important, and taken seriously. Always hard at work, doing something. We went through the classrooms, where they get taught on what they have to do before they go to the ships. This part of the field trip was not my favourite because i found it boring and dragged on. We went to the cafeteria and they had lots of choices to choose from. This was my second favorite part :) After that we went on the big ship that was docked, it got interesting. We went through where the sailors cabins were. I personally would not like to go on the ship for a long period of time, because i get claustrophobic very easily, and their beds especially, are very close together, and there is close to no room. There was lots of stairs, and ladders going in to different places in the ship. I think the navy is a very important, and i think it is great what they do for us. I really did enjoy this field trip, and had a lot of fun.
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