I personally think that homework is necessary, but to an extent. Homework is important for practicing the things you learn daily at school and drilling them into your memory, but don't you think that having so much work that you're too tired to even think about what your doing, is over-doing it? For one, students need a specific amount of time each day to unwind and relax. Without this period of time, the stress of too much work and constantly being busy is overwhelming, and can be unhealthy for the body, and the mind. Students soon become so stressed that they may not be able to function properly, which makes them distracted due to worrying. If they are distracted, do you think that they will concentrate in class? No. This is usually what irritates teachers- lack of attention from the students in class.
Another thing to think about is how huge amounts of homework will make the students feel. After a while, students will just give up because they feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and sometimes, downright bored. They will think that there is no point in trying anymore, because they will finish one thing, and get another assignment. After a while, if the student does not have super-human powers to help them finish work lightning fast, the work will build up and the student will end up in a downward spiral of constantly doing, thinking about, and breathing homework every second of the day. This is the time when students don't really care anymore. I don't think teachers will want to hear that students think there is no point in doing the work, or worse yet, think that the teacher's only goal in life is to torture kids with an endless, mounting supply of constant work.
Finally, I honestly think that the amount of homework kids receive may be a result of the teacher's mood. Maybe if the teachers also had a while to relax (longer than an hour!) where they were not allowed to think about lessons or work or planning, they would be in a much happier mood. I know that for some that is very hard because it is their job to plan these things, but maybe with a little organization, some sleep, and a bit understanding, teachers could make an agreement with students that no matter how bad their day was or how horrible they're feeling, they will not take it out on their students.
I hope that the reasons I have provided are reasonable and understandable regarding homework.
this is really good! i agree. :)
ReplyDeletethank you, i thought ot made sense to have some down time each day. :)