A new year calls for a celebration, maybe a party or just getting together with close friends and family. I am really looking forward to a new year, 2010! There are 3 major goals I have for this year, and they all are extremely important to me. One thing would be to help someone in need, and make a difference in their life. It could be a friend, a family member, or even a complete strange, as long as I do a little something to change their life for the better, I'm satisfied. Number two on my list is to really take a different outlook on life, and to be less judgemental about my peers and the people around me. I hope to have a different thought about life and the way I think about people, and change that for the better good. Last but not least, my third goal for 2010 is to think for myself. I don't want to let anyone else's thoughts change the way i think or feel. I want to be more indepent, and show people that I can think for myself. Being indepent is really important to me because I feel like my own person and that I don't need to rely on anyone for me to get the job down. All of these goals are really important to me, and I want to succeed them ALL! I hope 2010 is a good year for me and brings me the best! :)
This is very well written, and some very good goals. (: