In my opinion Christmas is a time of year when people celebrate all the gifts in their life. Not gifts as in presents but gifts as family, and friends. When Christmas comes around i get to see a lot of family. Usually at my house on Christmas eve, my whole family comes to my house and we throw a party. Then on Christmas day, for dinner sometimes we have family over but usually we go to my grandparents house for a nice turkey dinner. Every year Sydney, Madison, Paige, Mia and i all do a gift exchange then go to a movie. We buy each other presents under 20$, go out for dinner then exchange gifts. After the party on Christmas eve, we all get to open one present and its usually pajamas that we wear to bed that night. Then the next morning we all get up at the crack of dawn and open our stalkings then the rest of our presents. This year on boxing day were driving up to Mount Washington. My sisters and i are all taking snow boarding lessons, while my mom and dad take my brother tubing. This year i'm extra excited because i just moved into a new house in August. Christmas is my favourite time of year, and i love enjoying it with family and friends. (:
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