At my house, Christmas is always a busy time. Relatives come from all around Canada, and sometimes even from the United Kingdom. Almost every year my grandma and grandpa Birkett come from the chilly little town of Love, Saskatchewan, to be with us. It's a tiny town, with only a hall, two little gift shops, a school house, a few other buildings, and less than one hundred residents! I very rarely get to see my aunt, uncle, and cousins, but this year they will be coming from Kamloops to stay with us for a month. My grandparents will not be able to come because my grandpa has to receive heart surgery today, so he will need the month to rest. My other grandma will come, though, so I will at least have one grandparent with me. I have many other relatives, and they alternate coming to stay at our house and my cousins place on the mainland, so my family is never without company. Christmas is a time of visiting and catching up with each other.
When December comes around, my mom goes Christmas crazy with decorations, lights, a huge tree, a bunch of perfectly wrapped gifts, baking, and warm, home-cooked meals. My dad puts up the lights, my brother and I decorate the tree and wrap our presents, while my mom takes care of the rest. Christmas is a time of preperations with my family.
On Christmas Eve, my brother and I open one present each, whichever one we want. We always have KFC for dinner on this night, as a tradition. Then we watch old movies and eat baked treats by the fire. After my large family has finished catching up, we all go to sleep. Christmas is a time of traditions.
On Christmas morning, everyone waits to see who is the last one to wake up, then we all yell, "Merry Christmas!" really loudly by their bed. After everyone is up, we all file into the living room, take a seat on the couch, and take a picture. Then comes presents. We spend most of the morning ripping, tearing, opening gifts. When all of the commotion is over, we thank each other and get ready for supper, which we all look forward to. Christmas is a time to be thankful.
Finally, after dinner, everyone visits and chats, the kids play with gifts, and the dogs sleep. Every one is in high spirits. Christmas is ultimately a time for family- everyone together on a great day.
Wow sounds like your christmas's are wonderful :)