Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Respect Soccer

Soccer is a very important sport and it is played internationally. Soccer is more popular because in the poorer country's they do not have a lot of money and to play soccer you only need a soccer ball and then you can play. Like some other sports, like hockey you need to have a lot of equipment to play if you want to play in the ice. If you don't want to play on the ice and you just want to play on the road then you still need a hockey ball, a hockey net and a hockey stick. Soccer is also a very fun sport to play.


  1. I hope you don't mind, butI found a small mistake- instead of 'country's', use 'countries'.Overall, you made some good points. Nice work.

  2. I'm guessing there will be a lot of posts on soccer. I'm doing it too. Nice blog, you mentioned hockey a lot.

  3. Soccer is my favorite sport to I have been playing for 10 years. I really like your picture and what you wrote about.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i like the sport soccer.. but i don't think it's the sport for me. I'm too scared of the ball!!!
    Anyways, I'm already busy swimming 8 times a week! If that makes any sense!

  6. hahahahaaha Soccer rules, hahahaah yaaaaa!

  7. hahahaahahahha soccer sucks go kings

  8. I like soccer to but my main sport is lacrros;D

  9. rhett..just to let you know you spelt lacrosse wrong. :P

  10. Hahaha really, what a committed player. ::P
