Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The mwp and lia ver 2
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
The mwp and lia ver 2
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Monday, April 19, 2010
Topographic maps presentation_mine
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Topographic maps presentation_mine
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Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tour of the Navy Base

I thought that the tour was really boring at the beginning and that I really wanted to leave, but then we ate and the food was really good. After we ate we went on the ships for a tour and that was the funnest part because all the stuff that we learned at the beginning was all coming together and started to make sense. My most memorable part was when the tour guide locked me in one of the storage rooms at the very bottom of the boat. I really hope we can go back again because I think we all had lots of fun.
Navy Day Trip
On Wednesday our class took an interesting field trip to CFB Esquimalt, the Naval Base. We arrived in the morning and waited until the organizer, Darelle, arrived. She gave us an introduction, then immediately took us on a walk to fleet school, where the Navy students learn to do their trade. Once there, we split off into groups and started on our way.
The first place my group visited, after a quick look at the woodworking room, was the electrical section of the school. Our guide, Fillion, happened to have a thick, sort of hard to understand French accent. He showed us all these hands-on classrooms that had intricate-looking equipment. If I was allowed to, which I was obviously not, I totally would have gone and fiddled with all the wires and switches, trying to see how they all work together. After numerous confusing classrooms (due to Fillion's fast explanations and the complex diagrams plastering the walls) we ventured over to the machinery, and Fillion left us with some other guy who knew what all the machines did. I can't quite remember where that was because the whole place was so huge. Every little hall lead to another room filled with things like motors, engines, welding equipment, etc. and everything was pretty organized in each room. I was surprised about how many categories of jobs there were. Finally, our tour was finished and my head was swimming with all the information I had absorbed along the way.
Next was lunch at the cafeteria. Surprisingly, they had amazing food, but that's just my opinion. The place served everything from sandwiches and salad to pasta and cereal, and I even had marshmallow salad! It's something I will have to find out how to make. Once lunch was over and we were all stuffed, we headed out for another walk, but this time it was to go tour the ships. It turns out they are not quite as big inside, in fact, they were completely stuffy and small. Out tour guide was super nice, and he showed us around inside the ship. The stairs were really steep, but we saw a bunch of sailors effortlessly slide down them, which was a bit humorous seeing how they are supposed to be serious. There were these weird red hatches everywhere in the ship, and it turns out they were emergency trap doors used to escape from fires, and the odd curious person you may have needed to escape from when playing a prank... but never mind about that. Over all, the whole trip was pretty fun, and I originally thought it was going to be quite boring, but the people in the Navy proved me wrong. Just don't expect me to be joining the Navy anytime soon.
Our Trip to The Navy Base!

Yesterday we went to the Navy Base, as you all know! It was quite interesting to learn about what happened in the Navy. The beginning seemed sort of boring to me though, because I just wasn't as interested in the Fleet School. It might have been better if our tour guide didn't look so uncomfortable. The things there seemed like a normal school. That made it feel like we left our school to get a tour of another. Which in a way, we did. Over all, the Fleet School wasn't all that exciting. What was partially interesting in there was the huge guns we got to see in there! They were so big! What I did like about going to the Navy Base was the cafeteria and the boat. The cafeteria was really cheap for some really good food. My favourite part was definitely the boat. It was really fun to go all around in it and our tour guide was really really attractive. I'm serious. The tour might have been a hundred times worse if we didn't have him. Anyways, even though I found my love for life, the rest of the tour was really cool too! I liked the emergency doors at the bottom of the cabins. I thought that was a really cool! I also loved trying on all the fire fighting clothes. It was such a fun day!
Navy Base :)
I was talking to some people in my class, asking if they liked the field trip. I got a variety of answers, ranging from yes, no, kind of and all sorts like that. Do you want my opinion? Well I loved it! It was the coolest field trip i've ever been on. When we first got their, I wasn't sure if i was going to like it or not. Yes i'll admit the first hour or so it was boring, but once we got to the cafeteria it started to get interesting. It started off with a bus full of excited students, we finally arrived and got the tour started. The leader of our group, Neil was his name was also a Hall Tech. A Hall Tech is someone who knows all of the jobs, and went to school for them. For example, a Hall Tech would know plumbing, sheet metal, carpentry, wood working and lots more. After we got our tour of the Fleet school we walked on down to the cafeteria. At the cafeteria their were tons and tons of things to choose from. It varied from salad bars, spaghetti, sandwiches, cereal, fries and much more! Finally after that we got to go on tours of the ships! That was my favourite part, we got to go down all stairs, and in all the little cupboards! The funniest part i think would have been when Ashley St. Jean (our tour guide) locked Derek in the bottom of the ship! Derek was screaming like a little girl! :) Overall i think it was a great learning experience and i hope to go back someday! :)
My Trip to the Navy Base
Our field trip to the navy base out in Esquimalt, was a new experience for me. We went for the whole day, which was pretty awesome, but also tiring because we had to walk everywhere (except from school and back). My two favourite parts while we were there were: having lunch and having a big tour of the ships. I liked having lunch there because I got to see the cafeteria that the "navy people" get to eat in every single day ( the food was delicious!). I loved the tour because we got to climb in to almost everything that lead to new areas, and before we got to go home, I played a game with the group that I was in to see which side could put up the right flag that my tour guide said (it was a tie! 1-1).
Field Trip to the Navy Base :)

I learned a lot from the field trip to the Navy Base. I learned why they go out to sea, and what there job is. Something i learned from that, that i didnt know before, was that they do search and rescue. There job is actually very important, and taken seriously. Always hard at work, doing something. We went through the classrooms, where they get taught on what they have to do before they go to the ships. This part of the field trip was not my favourite because i found it boring and dragged on. We went to the cafeteria and they had lots of choices to choose from. This was my second favorite part :) After that we went on the big ship that was docked, it got interesting. We went through where the sailors cabins were. I personally would not like to go on the ship for a long period of time, because i get claustrophobic very easily, and their beds especially, are very close together, and there is close to no room. There was lots of stairs, and ladders going in to different places in the ship. I think the navy is a very important, and i think it is great what they do for us. I really did enjoy this field trip, and had a lot of fun.
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