Sunday, November 22, 2009

Trumpet is one of the most widely used instruments, being played in classical, jazz, contemporary
and so forth. It's a great instrument, but frustrating at first. It is frustrating because your
lips' "buzzing" is what makes the sound, the tighter the lips the higher the sound and vice versa.
For beginners, such as myself, lip buzzing is inconsistent, which makes for a bad sound. Despite
the fact that it's hard to start, once you get over the buzzing issue, it is pretty straight forward from
there. Then you can start playing songs and work your way up. Trying to learn by yourself can be
even more frustrating than the buzzing issue. Practicing trumpet in higher populated areas
could annoy the people you live with and those who are living around you, so having a good
teacher with a sense of humour and country location for practicing helps.

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